Tour planning, blessed with good karma

Welcome to Pipal Tree Routes, a quintessential travel studio dedicated to designing customized experiential journeys. Regale in an extravagance of our hand-crafted journeys that are Authentic, Enriching and the ones to Inspire you from the very core, to get the best out of life.

While the world is shrinking by the day and information attainable easily, holiday planning is passed-off alike to booking a ride through a cab-hailing app. With that increased ease of accessibility to information and booking, it is now even more crucial than ever to carve genuine travel experiences for the Extra to precede an otherwise Ordinary experience. Under the tutelage of a Pipal Tree Routes planner, it is possible, and our goal, to unveil an experience that strikes a chord with the deepest part of your soul.

Let us start by hearing you out, your interests, your curiosities, tastes & preferences, aspirations & apprehensions and even your earlier travel experiences. Except, you may be amused, at no time do we ask ‘where’ you wish to go on a holiday. So here we are, with a rather unconventional perspective at tour planning that does not believe in influencing your travel aspirations with images of exotic locales, no “ featured destinations” and no hashtags to follow us on social media, but nevertheless with a refreshing approach, akin to a gentle current of fresh breeze, that breathes new life into holiday-making. Experience it first-hand, a No-Obligation holiday plan is just a call away.

The A,B,C…Y,Z of Trip Types

Journeys, Engineered for Nirvana

Do you count yourself among the ones who would walk into a specialty fine-dine while not having a liking for the cuisine served or the ones to own a dream machine going purely by its catchy advert? If no, then why make an exception by heading to a destination that’s in vogue and which not necessarily offers the kind of experience you were secretly aspiring for from deep within. Isn’t that more like “ one size fits all” approach?

We, at Pipal Tree Routes, firmly believe that the hallmark of a truly experiential holiday is all about an experience that makes you feel most Alive. A journey through our A,B,C…Y,Z of Trip Types will give you a sneak peek into our range of travel styles, and who knows, it may just about widen your horizons for your forthcoming sojourns.

Ac++ve™ Escapes

So what is all the noise about an active vacation? ….

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broadBANNED™ Hideaways

For the ones who guessed whats this all about, we bet, it must….

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Cruise Control mode

Imagine yourself lazing on a recliner as you gaze at the world sailing past….

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an Extra helping

So you are the types who has been there, seen that,….

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the LocoMotive

For a seasoned traveler, the motive is the journey. And….

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the Minimalist

Is this unusual option making you wonder who is a minimalist or may be….

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One for the Road

We are ecstatic to find all you spirited souls flock in on this….

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Return to Innocence

Doesn’t the very word ‘innocence’ conjures up images….

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SPA is the Limit™

Isn’t it often you wish, how everyday could be as….

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the Upper Crust

The select few, for whom travel arrangements do not start with a….

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Won the Only

We all travel to places far and wide to visit a One-of-a-Kind….

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Xtreme Encounters

If bungy jumping is child’s play for you and a bushwalk….

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Know thy Pipal

Soak into a heady mix of the Creative and the Spiritual

People behind the Pipal

Once colleagues, The Bull and The Ram, went on to become buddies and the bond has only grown stronger with time. They come with a wealth of experience, jointly spanning more than 3 decades in the travel industry. This comes spread across various roles, ranging from front-office and field sales to senior positions in sales & marketing, group tour operations and tour management while being associated with a diverse range of service providers like airlines, cruises and reputed tour operators. ​

Pipal took Roots

We live by the maxim “ To travel is to live” and take pride in our consultancy acumen that unveils to the traveller their deepest desire to embark on a journey into thyself. However, over the years, as the focus in today’s number driven entities gradually shifted towards travel in groups, it ceased to challenge our core competencies. While the Earthy Bull was still drifting along in his job, the Fiery Ram had renounced the industry altogether to take some time out and seek clarity on the way ahead. The turning point came when a chance phone call, from a client previously serviced by us, led to a conversation regarding their plans for their next holiday. What started as a friendly gesture to assist the family with chalking out an itinerary, ended-up with we doing all the arrangements, from planning to execution. We took this as a divine intervention, the route to Nirvana. And with some encouragement and persistence from friends and well-wishers, the Pipal took roots, albeit as a sapling. One thing led to the other and we are well on our way.

The holYday Pipal

No sooner had the storm, that had stirred-up in our minds, barely subsided after we decided to take the plunge than we were hit by a typhoon. And that was about a suitable name for this venture. Every possible name that we could think off, which was even remotely related to travel, seemed to had been taken up. This challenged our grey matter to think differently. We decided to jot down our strengths which had not only given us the confidence to kickstart this venture, but also those which would prove instrumental in distinguishing us from the crowd. And our 4 pillars of strength stood-out distinctly.

Our strong foothold in travel, undoubtedly, was the first thing that crossed our minds as it happens to be the very basis of our existence.

Tastefully curated travel experiences with an eye for detail, in every journey we design, remains our forte.

Authentic, Enriching and Inspiring journeys to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul, our driving force.

And to create fond memories, that would house deep inside your heart like a priceless treasure, our motto.

We looked around for a reflection of our virtues, and the Pipal Tree beckoned. Curious to know why?

Starting with its roots, it is believed they run so deep and wide, it has our planet in its grip. Needless to mention, this gives the tree a very strong foundation.

The beautiful heart-shaped leaves that taper outwards to form a perfectly pointed tip, not a few of them by accident, but true to every leaf in its canopy. That’s craftsmanship at its best, by mother nature.

It is also a life-sustaining tree. Not only for releasing generous amounts of oxygen, but also the fact that every fragment of the tree, from its roots to its leaves, heal thy man.

And last but not least, the metamorphosis of a Pipal leaf at the hands of a master craftsman, from a crisp green to a delicately intricate work of art, enhances it’s beauty eternally and is treasured no less than an antique.

Since times immemorial, the Pipal tree has been a guiding light for mankind seeking the route to nirvana. One of the earliest being Gautama Buddha who attained salvation under the Pipal Tree, to this age, where the conventional beliefs coupled with the contemporary aspects associated with this tree led us to imbibe in ourselves, the nobility in thoughts as well as actions, follow dharma, obtain wisdom and gain inner strength, the very ideals that bless our craft with good karma.

Thus, the Pipal Tree happened to be an apt representation of us in more ways than one. But the tree by itself, in the context of this venture, felt incomplete and we delved a bit deeper. Just like how the roots offer stability and nourishment to a tree, so did our routes to us, and YO, that was the Eureka moment when the Tree and the Routes teamed-up and Pipal Tree Routes saw the light of the day.

Reach thy Pipal

We revere the Pipal tree and are one with it. And like the tree, are our Routes and Us, virtually omnipresent. In a tangible aspect, neither do the roots of a tree nor the goodness that it spreads, knows no boundaries. Likewise, in this e-age, we too are not confined to any specific location, neither in terms of our presence nor in the variety of routes we can dish-out for you. We are in a constant state of animation to reach-out to discerning travellers, with the offering of our routes on which to tread on. Though our mother tree is rooted in Mumbai, we have made our presence felt not only in neighbouring Pune but also in Delhi NCR, Chandigarh tricity, across the seas in Middle-East and are raring to spread all over.

Call / WhatsApp us on +91 7338241590 or drop in a mail to for a no-obligation first-cut of your tour plan. If you find value in our proposition, we would look forward to being entrusted with managing the most valuable of assets – your leisure time. Here on, we will walk the path together, connecting the routes…..

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